Featured Projects

Monitoring & Evaluation


We have extensive experience in project and programme evaluation across thematic topics and country contexts. We apply our economic and social research skills to deliver practical insights and support the goals of our clients. In addition, we support organisations to develop and embed monitoring and evaluation good practice.


Programme Evaluation

Scottish Government, COSLA and Highlands & Islands Enterprise

We evaluated Scotland’s main digital enablement programmes for SMEs, providing evidence of impact and recommendations for future delivery. Additional Research undertakes evaluations of leading technology and innovation programmes.

Programme Evaluation

Invest NI Business Support Team

Evaluation of trade and business development body’s Business Support Team, providing support and signposting for the Northern Ireland business base. Additional Research has also supported evaluations of Invest NI’s Innovation Vouchers, Grants for R&D, and Trade Development interventions.

Programme Evaluation

Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation

Support for Mid Term Evaluation of the £25m Sudokkho Programme, a private sector development programme for skills training in the Ready Made Garment and Construction sectors in Bangladesh. Additional Research supports programme evaluation and M&E framework development in a range of sector and country contexts.

Value for Money


We have expertise in assessing and demonstrating value for money. These techniques help clients to manage projects and programmes effectively and to demonstrate the worth of the work they do to their stakeholders.



United Kingdom Nigeria Infrastructure Advisory Facility

Advisory support on value for money reporting for body working with Nigerian federal government to improve delivery and management of infrastructure, with a focus on improving investments in, and access to, new and improved socially inclusive, climate compatible infrastructure.


Climate Resilient Infrastructure Development Facility

Development of Value for Money framework and Quarterly reporting for £24m Department of International Development (DFID) fund supporting shared water resources management across 12 Southern African Development Community (SADC) countries.

Economic Impact Assessment

Clyde Gateway Urban Regeneration Company

Economic impact assessment of Rutherglen Links office and industry development that makes a major contribution to Glasgow City Plan 2, South Lanarkshire Economic Strategy, and the Glasgow and Clyde Valley Strategic Development Plan. We have undertaken EIAs for a number of urban regeneration projects including the National Business District.

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Research & Benchmarking


We undertake a range of market research, benchmarking and other socio-economic analysis to inform client needs. Whether based on sample surveys and quantitative analysis of statistical data or in-depth interviews and qualitative analysis of social issues, our reporting provides clear and accessible insights.


MArket Research

North Ayrshire Council

Market research on economic twinning opportunities between the developing Life Sciences sector in North Ayrshire and Life Sciences manufacturing centres across the US, identifying prospective synergies for further exploration.

MArket Research

Scottish Development International

Supporting trade and investment decisions through analysis of market opportunities for growth sectors in developed and emerging markets.


Market Research

Scottish Enterprise

Reviewing the economic potential of the personalised nutrition sector in Scotland- an emerging industry arising from the intersection of healthcare services, information technology and mobile technology.

Labour Markets & Skills


We provide research and evaluation support with a focus on labour market and skills issues including trends analysis to inform labour market and education planning, assessment of skills programmes in a variety sub-sectors and country contexts, and providing intelligence for effective policy and practice.


Programme Evaluation

Skills Development Scotland

Evaluation of the Skills 4 Growth Programme, an innovative Scotland-wide SME skills development programme jointly delivered by Skills Development Scotland and Investors in People Scotland.

Regional Skills Assessments

Skills Development Scotland

Support for updates of Regional Skills Assessments to facilitate regional further and higher education planning and including focus group facilitation with economic development stakeholders at regional workshops.


Programme Evaluation

Scottish Government & Scottish Enterprise

Evaluation of the Energy Technology Partnership’s Energy Industry Doctorate Programme, supporting the demand for ‘industry-ready’, post-doctoral researchers to enhance energy industry innovation and knowledge exchange effectiveness.

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International Development


Our work includes extensive experience in international development evaluation for projects and programmes. We work across broad range of thematic areas from education to environment to conflict reduction. Competencies cut across all areas of quantitive and qualitative methods, with recent in-country experience throughout sub-saharan Africa and south Asia.


Programme Evaluation

National Stability & Reconciliation Programme, Nigeria

Support for multi-year evaluation of national fund to reduce violent conflict in Nigeria and promote wealth creation, service delivery and poverty reduction. Supported by Department of International Development (DFID).

Programme Evaluation

National Climate Change and Environment Fund, Rwanda

Supporting evaluation of national challenge fund promoting adaptation and mitigation projects, private sector engagement and mainstreaming of climate change objectives in government. Programme funded by DFID.


Programme Evaluation

Malawi Country Strategy, 2016-20, Irish Aid

Strategic evaluation of the country programme for the Embassy of Ireland in Malawi to inform the design of a new mission strategy and provide lessons for the wider development work of the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT).

Economic Development & Regeneration


We undertake in-depth analysis of key issues for local economic development and urban regeneration, support development of policy and practice and promoting joined-up thinking across social and economic delivery partners.


Economic Outcomes Programme Support

Improvement Service

Assessing the economic footprint of 32 Scottish local government Councils and Community Planning Partnerships to identify opportunities for enhanced impact on local economic outcomes.

Evaluation of Account Management Approach

Scottish Enterprise

Support for comprehensive evaluation of the economic development agency’s flagship account management approach promoting growth in key industry sectors.

Mid Fife Economic Action Plan

Fife Council

Supporting decision-making through provision of comprehensive evidence base, identifying opportunties through consultation with local partners, and developing radical action plan to address multiple challenges .

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Capacity Building


We deliver workshops and training courses for organisations in the areas of monitoring, appraisal, and evaluation. Our capacity building activities provide informed and accessible training opportunities that make use of the most up-to-date knowledge and examples from across out work.


Economic Appraisal Training

HM Treasury & Government Economic Service

Development and delivery of cross-department training on economic appraisal for Green Book 5 case model business case development.

Monitoring & Evaluation Training

Invest NI, Northern Ireland

Working with economic development agency to provide customised training and guidance for project owners to support effective learning and  decision-making.

Monitoring & Evaluation Training

Link Community Development, Malawi

Development and delivery of foundation course in project M&E to support project design and delivery in non-governmental organisation working in education sector.